$26,000 For Japanese Melons?

$26,000 For Japanese Melons?

Alec Chan ·

This was incredible...

Someone in Japan bid $26,000 for a pair of Japanese melons!

And this is something that seems to be a phenomenon in Japan where various types of fruits are sold as luxury items.

This documentary was so interesting in that it goes in depth to explain why fruits can be sold at such high prices in Japan.

Watch it here:

What do you think of this?

Would you pay $26,000 for some melons?  haha

The thing I found fascinating though was the respect for the farmers in creating and harvesting such almost perfect looking fruits!

And since we are on this topic of fruits and food...did you check our Kawaii Foodie collection, where all of our designs are inspired by Japanese food!

You can check out the collection here:




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