94 Year Old Still Runs Her 100 Year Old Dumpling Shop

94 Year Old Still Runs Her 100 Year Old Dumpling Shop

Alec Chan · · 2 comments

This video was incredible!

There's a dumpling shop in Japan that is 100 years old, and still running it and making all the dumplings manually by hand is a 94 year old grannie!

What's remarkable is that this dumpling making process has been the same for 100 years, and there's no machinery involved.  It's all handmade.

What I noticed is that although the dumplings itself is very simple, the process to make them is extremely detailed. 

And I think what sets it apart is that the grandma's heart and soul is put into every dumpling.

You can watch this incredible video here:

What do you think of this video?

Let me know in the comments or email me back!

Would love to hear from you.




  • Really enjoyed the video of the Itadakimasu, Grandma, who still makes rice dumplings after so many years. Great insight into a part of Japanese culture that is fading away.

    Bob Dobbin
  • She is truly blessed with good health , hard work will do that for you .

    frank gaumot

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