A Closer Look At Japan's Remarkable Vending Machines
Last week I found a video about a restaurant in Japan that was all vending machines only.
This week, I found another video that goes into depth about the different types of vending machines in Japan, and why they are so prevalent in the country.
From the stats, it is said that there are about 1 vending machine for every 23 people!
And you can get pretty much anything you can dream of in a vending machine, from bananas, meals, drinks, alcohol, to some really quirky and strange stuff. LOL!
You can watch this video here and see how fascinating this is:
What do you think of this?
Do you think the different ways Japan heavily uses the vending machine in everyday life will work from where you're from?
Let me know! Would love to hear back from you.
And before I go, just a quick update!
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