Awesome Things From America That Japan Needs!

Awesome Things From America That Japan Needs!

Alec Chan ·

This video was pretty interesting as it shows the reverse...

And what I mean by reverse is this.

Many times because of all the high tech crazy inventions from Japan, people would say that America should be introduced to these awesome things from Japan...

But in this video, it shows an interesting take from a Japanese lady's perspective of some of the cool and awesome things FROM America that Japan absolutely needs!

Check out this video here...some of the things we take for granted in North America are actually things she found so impressive:

So what you think?  

For me it's quite interesting how she was quite amazed about all the drive thrus we have in North America... 




PS:  There's only a few more weeks left in the summer sale.

Take advantage of it now before it winds down:

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