Awesome Things You Can Only Get In Costco Japan!

Awesome Things You Can Only Get In Costco Japan!

Alec Chan ·

This was really awesome.

Some of the stuff I saw in this video of things you can only get in Costco Japan really made me wish they had them here in North America!

While some of the gadgets were kind of weird, there were some useful ones that I can definitely see myself using.

The food at their Costco was interesting too, such as a whole section where you can buy Wagyu beef, boiled octopus for sushi, and of course the food court section filled with unique Japan only items.

And there's even an official Costco "encyclopedia" that is a yearly publication written by top shoppers and bloggers in Japan that details the best items to get along with unique recipes for commonly purchased food items from Costco Japan.

Watch this cool video I found here:

 What did you think of this video?  What are some unique items that you can only get from the Costco from where you're from?

For me the biggest surprise is that the number one selling item in Costco Japan is the rotisserie chicken, which in fact is also a big seller here in Canada too!

You cannot beat that chicken for value for money!  haha

And speaking of value for money, our Great Sakura sale is still going strong!

If you haven't gotten your favorite items yet, then now is the time to do so as we will be closing down the sale on April 30.

So head over here before it's too late:



PS:  Also if you are looking for our Sakura cherry blossom collection filled with our unique cherry blossom designs, you can find them all here:

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