Awesome Walking Tour In Tokyo

Awesome Walking Tour In Tokyo

Alec Chan ·

Tokyo is one of those amazing cities where you will always find something new in every corner.

And what make's Tokyo so unique is that you can literally go from a bustling skyscraper district to suddenly a tranquil and peaceful garden and temple area just a block away.

You can see what I mean here in this cool video I found that gives you a walking tour that you can do whenever you visit Tokyo:

So how did you like the walking tour?  Would you want to try this on your next trip to Tokyo?

Let me know what you think!

By the way, just a quick update.

If you are still planning to take advantage of the Great Sakura sale, then it's best to do so soon, as we will be closing it down in 2 weeks time.

You can head over here to checkout our special Sakura collection:



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