Chef Cooks Tuna With a Flamethrower and BARE hands!

Chef Cooks Tuna With a Flamethrower and BARE hands!

Alec Chan ·

I heard about this chef before...

There's a street stall in Osaka that specializes in all sorts of Izakaya food (Japanese pub style food).

The food is amazing and the chef is sometimes eccentric.

But the main draw is how the chef cooks his tuna.

Picture this...

A chef probably in his 70's...

A cigarette in his mouth...

A huge flamethrower in hand...

And cooks the tuna on the grill with only his BARE HANDS!!!

You got to watch this to believe it.

You can see for yourself here in this video I found (the 2:15 mark is where his flamethrower comes out):

So would you cook with your bare hands like this too? LOL

The food looks good, but for me, I'll pass with roasting my own hands on the grill.

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