Exotic Food Tour In Okinawa!

Exotic Food Tour In Okinawa!

Alec Chan ·

This video was pretty cool.

Okinawa is one of the most unique places to visit in Japan for very unique and exotic cuisine that is very different from the Japan mainland.

Because it's special location in it's tropical environment, there are many unique local ingredients that can only be found there.

You can watch this exotic food tour of Okinawa here, it's quite cool:

What did you think of this video?  What dishes would you love to try?

For me, those noodles were definitely something I would love to try....but those goat sashimi at the end of the video(i.e. raw goat), is something that may be a little tooooo "exotic" for me.. haha

And speaking of Okinawa, did you know we have just released a brand new Okinawa inspired design?  

We were inspired by all those vintage travel postcards, and thus created this vintage cool looking design about Okinawa.

You can get it here:




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