How Tokyo Keeps It's Train Stations So Sparkly Clean

How Tokyo Keeps It's Train Stations So Sparkly Clean

Alec Chan ·

After I watched this video, I was super impressed.

It really goes to show how dedicated people are in Japan in keeping their trains and subways so clean.

It is no easy feat to keep a train station of thousands of commuters a day super clean.

And when I say clean, I mean it's sparkly clean.  

Watch the video here to see how it's all done, you'll be blown away at the attention to detail:

What was your impression of this?

For me, I really feel in North America, we need to up our game in this department.

Definitely where I'm from in Toronto, the public transit is a horrid mess where not only the stations are in shambles, but even the buses and trains are so nasty.  NASTY!

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Talk soon,


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