Is This The City Of Concrete In Japan?

Is This The City Of Concrete In Japan?

Alec Chan ·

Amazing video with lots of new things that I learned today!

Did you know that in Okinawa (the islands in the very south of Japan) is not only known as a tropical paradise, but also a place where the use of concrete for buildings (commercial and residential) accounts for 90% of all housing?

In a way then it's a tropical paradise, but also a concrete jungle? haha

But the more I watch this video, the more I realize it's very similar to how they use concrete in other tropical places like in Singapore or Malaysia...

which leads me to believe it's very weather related with all the rain and humidity these places get.

You can watch the interesting video I found here, and you'll definitely learn a lot!

What do you think of this?

Is use of concrete a common thing for buildings from where you're from?



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