Japan's Obsession With Vending Machines!

Japan's Obsession With Vending Machines!

Alec Chan ·

This video was awesome...

If you didn't know already, there is an obsession with vending machines in Japan.

Unlike in North America, where the typical vending machine is just to sell basic items like soft drinks or chips and is usually just an after thought, in Japan, vending machines are heavily used as a part of your everyday life!

And pretty much you can get anything from these Japanese vending machines...from your typical drinks, hot food, to even INSECTS!  Yes.... INSECTS!

You got to check this video I found to see some of the wackiest things available in these machines:

What did you find was the strangest item being sold in the video above?

For me, it's still those insect snacks.... I guess there must be a market and demand for those in Japan?  haha



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