Office Salaryman Turned Ramen Master Chef?

Office Salaryman Turned Ramen Master Chef?

Alec Chan ·

This was a beautiful video I found.

It's about an ex office salaryman who turned into a ramen master chef on a quest to craft the perfect bowl of ramen noodles!

Ramen from the outside may look simple, but there's definitely some depth and soul to it, and you can see it for sure when the chef makes it.  

The chef's ramen shop is in a small unassuming building on a corner of a street, but what takes place inside was amazing!

Just watching the video of how the noodles are beautifully placed into the glistening broth was such a mesmerizing experience.  Then afterwards perfect slices of braised pork and eggs are placed into that heart warming bowl of noodles!

If this doesn't make you hungry, then I'm not sure what will.. haha

You can watch this beautiful symphony of art here:

 What did you think of this video?  Are you a ramen fan too?

I know I've may have sounded so passionate about ramen, but that's because I AM passionate about them...haha!  If I can eat ramen everyday, I definitely will!

And speaking of ramen, if you are a hopeless ramentic like me, then this shirt is just for you:

Plus use this code at checkout to get 15% off:  GET15



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