The Differences Between Geisha, Geiko, and Maiko

The Differences Between Geisha, Geiko, and Maiko

Alec Chan · · 1 comment

I learned a lot from this short video!

From many of your feedbacks, I will be doing some research about the Geisha from different perspectives and sharing with you all some of the amazing videos I found. 

And while doing some research, I came across this very short video that explains a bit of the terminology and differences between a Geisha, a Geiko, and a Maiko.

They are all very similar but some nuanced differences that I didn't even realize.

You can watch this interesting video I found here:

Interesting eh?

Stay tuned for more posts about Geisha's ...this is indeed a very interesting topic.

Talk soon,


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1 comment

  • Love the informative video and beautiful shirts and of course LOVE JAPAN AND ITS PEOPLE


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