This is top secret...

This is top secret...

Alec Chan · · 1 comment

I thought this was such a cool concept.

Did you know in Tokyo there are some very cool bars that are purposely hidden and kept top secret?

Not only are they hidden from public view, you will need to uncover secret doors, reveal secret passwords, and even unlock secret puzzles to actually enter them.

It's almost like you are in an escape room or as if you are immersed in a real life clue game to unravel the mystery just to get into the bar!

And what's cool too, is that each bar has a very special and unique theme with pretty cool drinks and food.

This video I found goes in depth of 3 of such cool and top secret bars in Tokyo!  You can check them out here and enjoy the fun:

What do you think of this concept?  Which bar did you like?

I kind of enjoyed the one where you had to open up a vending machine to enter the place! That was wild.



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1 comment

  • I really love reading your articles. I just wanted you guys to know that I do appreciate them. I miss Okinawa and mainland Japan it’s so beautiful there.

    JJ John Johnston

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