Why Japan Looks The Way It Does

Why Japan Looks The Way It Does

Alec Chan ·

This is an interesting video.

The more you watch it, the more you get a better appreciation on how Japan is developed as a whole, from every single neighborhood all the way to the city level.

This would explain why so many places in Japan are so accessible by public transportation, and that all your needed amenities are right at your foot steps!

It also gives you a better appreciation between how things are planned and built in North America versus Japan.  

I'm not saying that one is the better than the other, they both have their pros and cons. 

But there's also lots of things we can learn and implement that can definite improve the way we build our towns and cities in North America.

You can watch the video here (it's only 15 mins long):

What are some things you think can help improve the way your neighborhood is setup right now?

By the way, if you did not know already, we are in midst of our great sale that is going on right now!

If you want to take advantage of the deals and new designs available, 

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