Will This New Generation Succeed In Japan?

Will This New Generation Succeed In Japan?

Alec Chan · · 1 comment

This documentary I found was quite impressive in how they provided a perspective of the real challenges faced in revitalizing Japan's rural areas.

While many of Japan's rural areas are in the decline due to an aging population and due to the younger generation seeking employment in the big cities...

There are a group of enterprising young individuals with daring visions setting up businesses in these rural areas, hoping to help attract visitors and slow the decline.

But there is a true dilemma, while the older folks in the towns know the reality of the situation that their towns are in the brink of extinction, a part of them are kind of hesitant in welcoming outsiders for the fear that they may change their way of life and the fabric of traditions in their town.

Will this new generation of enterprising young entrepreneurs succeed?  

Then watch the video I found here to find out:


What do you think of this situation?  

Is there a similar situation happening in the rural areas from where you're from?

For me, I was impressed by the heart of these young entrepreneurs and how through hard work and perseverance they found a way to solve this unique issue.




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Tank tops: https://lovejapanforlife.com/collections/harajuku-style-tanks

1 comment

  • Small towns in America is exactly the same. It was cute how they called them outsiders and immigrants when they are all Japanese. So awesome they are trying to save the business.

    Connie Gautreaux

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