Behind The Counter Of A Tempura Shop
This was amazing!
If you don't know what Tempura is, it's basically pieces of meat and vegetables coated in a light batter and FRIED!
Basically it's fried food, but it tastes totally different that what we are accustomed to in North America.
It's much more delicate, and lighter, and not as heavy.
I often love Tempura because you can enjoy fried food without feeling gross afterwards. LOL
This video I found shows the behind the scenes at a typical Tempura restaurant in Japan.
The chef is like a master at this, to the point where he can tell what the temperature is of the boiling oil by touching the oil with his BARE HANDS!
It's quite amazing at how fresh the ingredients are (you can watch it here):
So how do you like Tempura?
How are fried foods like from where you are from?
For me, this is definitely something I miss alot.
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