Things That Are Illegal In Japan That May Surprise You

Things That Are Illegal In Japan That May Surprise You

Alec Chan · · 1 comment

This video was an eye opener.

There are so many every day items that we take for granted in North America that can actually land you in some trouble in Japan, even land you in jail.

And a lot of these items are so simple that you may be wondering, "why on Earth are they illegal in Japan?"

Well this video I found does a great job explaining the why part as can watch this interesting video here:

What were some of the items in the video that caught you by surprise?

For me, it's the very basic over the counter drugs you can commonly get in North America that caught me by surprise!

Share your thoughts in the comments...would love to hear from you.



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1 comment

  • I’m envious.

    Barbara Suyehiro

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